
Leading financial sector executives join Reinvent Forum to discuss global banking trends

Published By Qorus [English], Fri, Nov 25, 2022 6:00 PM

The conference focuses on the reinvention of financial services working towards shaping a more sustainable and technology-oriented world

Barcelona, Paris, November 25, 2022: The second edition of Reinvent Forum, the exclusive conference for leaders from the retail financial services, will take place on December 1–2, 2022 live in Barcelona, in the prestigious CosmoCaixa. Organized by Qorus, the leading global association for banking and insurance organizations, the conference focuses on the reinvention of financial services working towards shaping a more sustainable and technology-oriented world.

Featuring over 20 leading industry speakers, the Reinvent Forum Barcelona covers the latest digital innovations in finance and the new initiatives that will shape the market in the years ahead. Qorus
(formerly known as Efma) has helped drive innovation in the retail banking sector through high-quality strategic events since 1971.

The two-day live event that will be opened by Gonzalo Gortazar, CaixaBank CEO, offers a variety of formats including keynotes, panel discussions, best practice sharing, Q&As, and networking sessions, along with a unique tour of the most innovative CaixaBank sites.

Key highlights of the 1st December sessions include:

  • Purpose banking with a focus on outstanding customer experience
  • How the financial sector can contribute to sustainability and green transformation
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on the banking sector
  • Perspective on the Metaverse in the financial industry and beyond
  • Community meetups on digital reinvention, sustainability, and open finance.

Among many high-level speakers on the first day of the conference, Carolina Hernández Coderch, Customer Experience Director at CaixaBank, will present how the bank turns customer experience into the most important asset. Later, Albert Mundet, Director of Innovation, GM Barça Innovation Hub - FC Barcelona, will share the club’s use case for AI for tactical analysis.

A range of panel sessions will offer engaging discussions, one of them to be led by Sarp Demiray, CEO of the European Merchant Bank, on "Lessons from Failures: Importance of Accepting Missteps as a Valuable Ingredient of Innovation".

The financial sector is a key pillar contributing to building a resilient economy and society in today´s uneasy realities. The Reinvent Forum is one example of how Qorus, as the leading financial services association, helps to empower global financial players in tech innovation and digital leadership. We do this via best practice exchange on industry-leading initiatives that aim to shape a better world – a world, that will be more sustainable,” says John Berry, CEO of Qorus. “One of the highlights of the conference is the collaborative sessions with the winners of Qorus and Accenture's 2022 Banking Innovation Awards, which will be announced on the previous day at the prestigious Awards Ceremony.”

Next day Forum participants will gain exclusive access to innovative CaixaBank spaces Insights Center, their All-InOne
branch, and the imaginCafé, where the bank’s executives will guide visitors through their internal processes and vision on exceptional customer and employee experiences alongside seamless digital sales funnels.

More details on the event: Reinvent Forum Barcelona

Press release distributed by Wire Association on behalf of Qorus, on Nov 25, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow Qorus