
Volkswagen AG Fills Key Communications Positions

Published By Volkswagen [English], Mon, Feb 27, 2023 6:00 PM

Volkswagen AG Fills Key Communications Positions

Volkswagen AG is filling two key positions in communications. Pietro Zollino is moving from TRATON GROUP to Volkswagen AG and will take over as Head of Corporate Communications and Deputy Head of Global Group Communications from Nicole Mommsen effective April 1. The corporate communications role comprises media relations, strategy and international communications as well as sustainability and integrity communications. In his new role Pietro Zollino will report to Dr. Sebastian Rudolph, Head of Global Group Communications. Nicole Mommsen has been appointed Head of Global Communications and Sustainability Group Technology at Volkswagen. The role has been newly created and includes communications across Group Technology’s four main pillars: Group Components, PowerCo SE, Volkswagen Group Charging & Energy and Volkswagen’s third-party platform business. It also spans the sustainability activities of the division. As a new member of the Group Technology management team, Nicole Mommsen will report to Thomas Schmall-von Westerholt, Group Board Member for Technology and Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Group Components.

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Press release distributed by Wire Association on behalf of Volkswagen, on Feb 27, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow Volkswagen

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