
Volkswagen shareholders formally approve actions of Board of Management and Supervisory Board and adopt resolution on dividend for 2022

Published By Volkswagen [English], Tue, May 9, 2023 6:00 PM

At the beginning of January Volkswagen also paid out the special dividend from the successful IPO of Porsche AG in the amount of EUR 19.06 per ordinary and preference share.

The resolution on the formal approval of the members of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board who held office in fiscal year 2022 was passed.

Dr Günther Horvath was elected to the supervisory board, succeeding the late Dr Louise Kiesling. Dr Wolfgang Porsche and Marianne Heiß were elected to the board for a further term of office. In addition, the adjustments to the remuneration of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board were approved.

Press release distributed by Wire Association on behalf of Volkswagen, on May 9, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow Volkswagen

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