Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Published By Eurocities [English], Thu, Nov 17, 2022 2:59 AM
On the evening of 16 November 2022, at the 10th edition of the Integrating Cities Conference in Utrecht, the cities of Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb signed the Integrating Cities Charter, joining the 42 cities in this initiative. By becoming signatories, cities commit to provide equal opportunities for all residents and to embrace and
The post Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion first appeared on Eurocities.
Press release distributed by Wire Association on behalf of Eurocities, on Nov 17, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow Eurocities

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Title: 10th Integrating Cities Conference live online
Description: Did you miss the chance to register for the world's largest conference on migration and integration in Europe's cities, The Integrating Cities Conference? Don't fret - you can still enjoy some of the sessions live online on 16 and 17 October, right here on this page. We'll gather politicians and experts from cities, member states,
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Integrating Cities
Type: Link
Title: Charter - Integrating Cities
Description: [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.73)” background_image=”https://integratingcities.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/charter_home.jpeg” background_blend=”overlay” custom_padding=”13vh||13vh||true|false” da_disable_devices=”off|off|off” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” da_is_popup=”off” da_exit_intent=”off” da_has_close=”on” da_alt_close=”off” da_dark_close=”off” da_not_modal=”on” da_is_singular=”off” da_with_loader=”off” da_has_shadow=”on”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” […]
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: PDF
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Integrating Cities
Type: Link
Title: UNITES (2022-2024) - Integrating Cities
Description: [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”RGBA(0,0,0,0)” custom_padding=”0px||0px||false|false” da_disable_devices=”off|off|off” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” da_is_popup=”off” da_exit_intent=”off” da_has_close=”on” da_alt_close=”off” da_dark_close=”off” da_not_modal=”on” da_is_singular=”off” da_with_loader=”off” da_has_shadow=”on”][et_pb_row use_custom_gutter=”on” gutter_width=”2″ make_equal=”on” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.75)” background_enable_image=”off” background_size=”contain” background_repeat=”repeat” background_blend=”overlay” width=”100%” max_width=”100%” […]

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Description: Led by Eurocities, CONNECTION promotes transnational learning on and implementation of integration policies. Cities taking part in this project exchange best practices and develop policy guidelines for a wider audience on the four following themes/communities of practice: How to develop a strategic approach to integration, participation and interaction? How to build a gender dimension into

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Description: Led by Eurocities, CONNECTION promotes transnational learning on and implementation of integration policies. Cities taking part in this project exchange best practices and develop policy guidelines for a wider audience on the four following themes/communities of practice: How to develop a strategic approach to integration, participation and interaction? How to build a gender dimension into

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Title: Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Description: On the evening of 16 November 2022, at the 10th edition of the Integrating Cities Conference in Utrecht, the cities of Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb signed the Integrating Cities Charter, joining the 42 cities in this initiative. By becoming signatories, cities commit to provide equal opportunities for all residents and to embrace and

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities - Home
Type: Link
Title: Eurocities - We are a community of more than 190 European cities
Description: We strive for a Europe where cities are genuine partners with the EU to create a better future for all.
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: View Original
Type: Link
Title: Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Description: On the evening of 16 November 2022, at the 10th edition of the Integrating Cities Conference in Utrecht, the cities of Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb signed the Integrating Cities Charter, joining the 42 cities in this initiative. By becoming signatories, cities commit to provide equal opportunities for all residents and to embrace and

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Title: 10th Integrating Cities Conference live online
Description: Did you miss the chance to register for the world's largest conference on migration and integration in Europe's cities, The Integrating Cities Conference? Don't fret - you can still enjoy some of the sessions live online on 16 and 17 October, right here on this page. We'll gather politicians and experts from cities, member states,
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Integrating Cities
Type: Link
Title: Charter - Integrating Cities
Description: [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.73)” background_image=”https://integratingcities.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/charter_home.jpeg” background_blend=”overlay” custom_padding=”13vh||13vh||true|false” da_disable_devices=”off|off|off” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” da_is_popup=”off” da_exit_intent=”off” da_has_close=”on” da_alt_close=”off” da_dark_close=”off” da_not_modal=”on” da_is_singular=”off” da_with_loader=”off” da_has_shadow=”on”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” […]
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: PDF
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Integrating Cities
Type: Link
Title: UNITES (2022-2024) - Integrating Cities
Description: [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”RGBA(0,0,0,0)” custom_padding=”0px||0px||false|false” da_disable_devices=”off|off|off” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” da_is_popup=”off” da_exit_intent=”off” da_has_close=”on” da_alt_close=”off” da_dark_close=”off” da_not_modal=”on” da_is_singular=”off” da_with_loader=”off” da_has_shadow=”on”][et_pb_row use_custom_gutter=”on” gutter_width=”2″ make_equal=”on” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.75)” background_enable_image=”off” background_size=”contain” background_repeat=”repeat” background_blend=”overlay” width=”100%” max_width=”100%” […]

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Description: Led by Eurocities, CONNECTION promotes transnational learning on and implementation of integration policies. Cities taking part in this project exchange best practices and develop policy guidelines for a wider audience on the four following themes/communities of practice: How to develop a strategic approach to integration, participation and interaction? How to build a gender dimension into

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Description: Led by Eurocities, CONNECTION promotes transnational learning on and implementation of integration policies. Cities taking part in this project exchange best practices and develop policy guidelines for a wider audience on the four following themes/communities of practice: How to develop a strategic approach to integration, participation and interaction? How to build a gender dimension into

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities
Type: Link
Title: Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Description: On the evening of 16 November 2022, at the 10th edition of the Integrating Cities Conference in Utrecht, the cities of Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb signed the Integrating Cities Charter, joining the 42 cities in this initiative. By becoming signatories, cities commit to provide equal opportunities for all residents and to embrace and

Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: Eurocities - Home
Type: Link
Title: Eurocities - We are a community of more than 190 European cities
Description: We strive for a Europe where cities are genuine partners with the EU to create a better future for all.
Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Provider: View Original
Type: Link
Title: Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb pledge inclusion
Description: On the evening of 16 November 2022, at the 10th edition of the Integrating Cities Conference in Utrecht, the cities of Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw and Zagreb signed the Integrating Cities Charter, joining the 42 cities in this initiative. By becoming signatories, cities commit to provide equal opportunities for all residents and to embrace and
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