
Cities sign international commitment for low carbon and more inclusive culture

Published By Eurocities [English], Thu, Jun 15, 2023 2:20 AM

At the launch event of the new ‘Eurocities Lille Call to Action for low carbon and more inclusive culture’, 24 cities already signed the document and many more have pledged to. This new initiative, led by the city of Lille and Eurocities, invites mayors from across Europe to commit to the development of local cultural policies and events that prioritise sustainability and inclusivity.

The call to action is structured around 16 priorities, categorised into two pillars: the ecological transition of local cultural policies and events, and inclusion in culture and through culture. By signing it, cities commit to developing sustainable and inclusive cultural policies, implementing at least one principle from each pillar, and providing examples of their initiatives each year.

Cities lead the way with projects encouraging the circular economy in culture, commissioning green artistic projects, or supporting sustainable museums and exhibitions.

As leaders of European cities, and in line with the European Green Deal, by signing this call to action we commit to making our local policies more sustainable and inclusive,

said Martine Aubry, Mayor of Lille.

This call to action is a significant step towards a more sustainable and inclusive cultural landscape across Europe. By working together, cities can lead the way in driving positive change and fostering a greener and more inclusive future. Within the first signatories, the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, sister city of Lille.

The inspiration for this call to action emerged from the Eurocities Culture Forum, which was hosted by the city of Lille and the European Metropolis of Lille in September 2022. The forum focused on the theme of ‘Resilient and sustainable culture – local cultural policies supporting the ecological transition,’ generating significant political attention and engagement. The city of Lille initially developed a draft, which was subsequently enriched with contributions from other Eurocities members. Today, cities can join the commitment by signing it.

The call is a powerful invitation to join the movement for a sustainable culture. All cities are welcome to sign, learn from each other, and drive the change for a low carbon and inclusive society,

said André Sobczak, Secretary General at Eurocities.

Becoming a signatory city is straightforward. Political representatives, such as mayors, deputy mayors, or other elected officials, can sign the call directly or have it formally adopted by their City Council. Cities can participate in the signature process online or at specific Eurocities events, for example, at the next Eurocities Culture Forum in Birmingham in October 2023.

For more information on the Eurocities Lille Call to Action for low carbon and more inclusive culture, please visit here. To date, above 30 cities have signed the call. Read and sign the call to action. The Brussels Urban Summit(BUS) is a collaborative initiative of the Brussels Capital Region, Eurocities, Metropolis, and the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative. It takes place from 12 to 15 June in Brussels and aims to address the significant challenges faced by cities today, including climate change, migration, urban growth, and inequality. BUS provides a platform for over 300 cities worldwide to exchange ideas and establish priorities for sustainable, affordable, and liveable cities. The summit offers a diverse program of plenary sessions, workshops, side events, and site visits, creating a strategic global dialogue to shape our collective urban future. Eurocities wants to make cities places where everyone can enjoy a good quality of life, is able to move around safely, access quality and inclusive public services and benefit from a healthy environment. We do this by networking more than 200 larger European cities, which together represent some 130 million people across 38 countries, and by gathering evidence of how policy making impacts on people to inspire other cities and EU decision makers.

* Photo: Mayors of Florence and Ghent sign the call to action.

Press release distributed by Wire Association on behalf of Eurocities, on Jun 15, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow Eurocities