Nestlé reports half-year results for 2019
Published By Nestlé [English], Thu, Jul 25, 2019 11:15 PM

Organic growth of 3.6%, with continued strong real internal growth (RIG) of 2.6% and pricing of 1.0%. Increased growth was led by the United States and Brazil.
Total reported sales increased by 3.5% to CHF 45.5 billion (6M-2018: CHF 43.9 billion). Net acquisitions had a positive impact of 1.1% and foreign exchange reduced sales by 1.2%.
The underlying trading operating profit (UTOP) margin reached 17.1%, up 100 basis points. The trading operating profit (TOP) margin increased by 90 basis points to 15.5%.
Mark Schneider, Nestlé CEO: "We are encouraged by our first half results and have made further progress toward our 2020 financial goals. Disciplined execution and fast innovation contributed to improved organic growth and profitability. Our growth was broad-based with our largest market, the United States, performing particularly well. Across our categories increased investment behind our brands and in innovation is clearly paying off, as reflected in our strong momentum in PetCare and the return to mid single-digit growth in coffee. Our Starbucks launch has been a great success so far and we plan on further geographic expansion and product innovation to make the most of this unique opportunity. Active portfolio management will continue to sharpen our strategic focus and position the company in attractive high-growth businesses. Our value creation model is clearly delivering the expected results and will support sustained profitable growth."
Read the press release.
Follow the investor call audio webcast hosted by Mark Schneider, Nestlé Chief Executive Officer, and François-Xavier Roger, Nestlé Chief Financial Officer live at 14:00 CEST.
Press release distributed by Wire Association on behalf of Nestlé, on Jul 25, 2019. For more information subscribe and follow Nestlé